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Billy Porter Tony Awards 2019

Billy Porter Makes Statement on Reproductive Rights with Uterus Outfit at Tony Awards

Tony-winning actor and Broadway legend Billy Porter wore a show-stopping uterus-shaped outfit designed by The Blonds on the red carpet of the 2019 Tony Awards, using fashion as a means to issue a powerful statement on reproductive rights.

Porter's outfit, which featured a red satin uterus with fallopian tubes and ovaries, was a striking visual metaphor for the ongoing debate over abortion and reproductive healthcare in the United States.

In an interview on the red carpet, Porter explained the significance of his outfit, saying, "I'm here to remind people that we all have a uterus. We all have the right to choose what happens to our bodies." Porter's message resonated with many viewers, who praised him for using his platform to speak out on an important issue that affects women's health and autonomy.
